Cell biological regulation therapy
(ZRT)-Extracellular Matrix Therapy
The extracellular matrix (ECM) or intercellular substance is the part of the tissue that lies between the cells and surrounds them like a meshwork. The ECM fills the spaces between the cells, mediating contact between them. It determines the shape as well as the elasticity of the tissue and regulates the mobility of the cells in the matrix. The extracellular matrix is involved in the construction and remodeling of tissues and regulates all the important functions of cells.
Where does the ZRT intervene?
Our muscles vibrate approximately with 8-12 heart. In doing so, they rhythmically squeeze the extracellular matrix and the smallest blood and lymph vessels, thus maintaining microcirculation.
If the muscles no longer work in a loose swinging manner, the microcirculation will also suffer, the cells will be less well supplied and the metabolic waste products will no longer be removed. The tissues can become over-acidified and also some aggressive waste products (so-called free radicals) can cause considerable damage. This is how pain and inflammation arise.
With the help of cell biological regulation therapy (ZRT), we try to act on the extracellular matrix and get the microcirculation working better again. The ZRT interprets Chronic pain and dysfunction as local process disorder of connective tissue-mediated cellular metabolism. ZRT treats chronic diseases and process disorders respectively with procedures from the modules of Matrix Therapy-ZRT®. With the ZRT-extracell matrix therapy device we transfer oscillations in the frequency range between 10 and 20 heart from the outside to the musculature in order to restore the natural oscillation and to stimulate the blocked microcirculation. This is perceived as very pleasant by the patients.
Fields of application of the ZRT
In principle, cell biological regulation therapy can be used as an accompanying therapy for many diseases, since it basically stimulates the circulation. Especially complaints of the Musculoskeletal system The focus here, however, is on the disturbances that occur directly in the Musculature as well as changes in bones, joints or the spine, which are Follow-up problems in the musculature can be treated very well by means of ZRT.
In the first place there are certainly Back problems. Back problems are also widespread in our pets, especially dogs and cats, even if they are often not recognized. We encounter both muscular problems, which are very often 'lumbago'-like and usually occur very suddenly, and chronic problems of the spine, such as the frequently occurring Spondylosis of the vertebral bodies or arthrosis of the small intervertebral joints or intervertebral disc problems. The resulting segmental blockades of the muscles of the back show themselves by painful indurations (trigger points), which respond very well to treatment with the ZRT-extracell device.
In the first place there are certainly the Back problems. Back problems are also widespread in our pets, especially dogs and cats. We encounter both muscular problems, which are very often 'lumbago'-like and usually occur very suddenly, as well as problems of the spine itself, such as the frequently occurring Spondylosis of the vertebral bodies or arthrosis of the small intervertebral joints or intervertebral disc problems. The resulting segmental blockades of the muscles of the back are manifested by painful indurations that respond very well to treatment with the ZRT-extracellular device.
Besides the back, we find especially on the long rear leg muscles often muscle stiffness as a result of Strains or inflammations, which lead to gait problems. According to Muscle injuries healing can be favorably influenced by loosening adhesions and thus preventing adhesions. If scars have already formed, the local nutrient supply situation can be improved again and thus the Scar disturbing effect be reduced.
Muscle contractures (cramp-like, permanent contraction) associated with cruciate ligament tears or even bone fractures can significantly complicate the usually necessary surgery and negatively affect healing. Treatment of these very painful contractures significantly improves healing.
Only Contraindications are bacterial infections of the tissue or in case of a strong bleeding tendency.
Two treatments at an interval of 2-4 days are usually enough to achieve an appealing result. The treatment lasts 10-20 min (depending on the size of the body part to be treated) is painless and is very well tolerated, mostly even enjoyed.